Sabine Schön: After the necessary reorganization due to the Covid19 crisis, I found myself doing a lot of different jobs. From classical sales service, master sample organization up to some controlling work. My two most focused goals are being of service for our customers as best as I can as well as supporting my team members in managing the responsibilities we are facing in these challenging times.
Sabine: The challenges never stop, for sure. But I cannot think on any specific challenges because of being a woman.
Sabine: I try to involve my team as much as possible in the change process topics. We discuss each idea someone is bringing up. Some ideas can be implemented, some need to be put back or some we need to refuse since we have not the necessary tools around or the idea will not work for some reasons.
Sabine: The most difficult decision was the needed reconfiguration of the Customer Service department due to the Covid19 crisis. First, I had to reconsider by myself how to approach the reconfiguration. Later I had some discussions with my boss who challenged the approach. In the end I think we made the right decisions. I am happy and satisfied with the outcome. But I hope I never have to go through that again.
Sabine: I think that appreciation of their work and commitment is very important. You need to create general conditions which makes your daily work as convenient as possible. They also have a very good relationship amongst each other. Everyone is being there for the other.
Sabine: Isovolta is a family-owned company and nevertheless we are an industrial company. I think we are much more a big manufactory with a strong relationship and obligation to our stakeholders.
Sabine: Especially in the production industry most of the leadership positions are filled by men. This has probably something to do with the needed education for most of these positions. In these days more girls are interested in technical professions, and therefore I am quite confident that in future there will be more female leaders in our business segment.
Sabine: Of my team. Absolutely.
Sabine SchönDirector Global Customer ServiceAviation & Transportation, Wr. Neudorf / Austria
Sabine started her career at Isovolta AG, Aviation & Transportation, in October 2001 (only two weeks after 11th September). The start was not as expected and discussed but after the first bumpy months the business and she developed in a very prosperous way again. Today Sabine is Director Global Customer Service. |